Fort Collins Patents

Free Initial Meeting

Project based Pricing

 registered Practitioner

our unique approach to your Intellectual Property

free initial consultation

We sit down and discuss the patent process and answer questions about how to start moving forward.

We keep a live calendar where you can pick and choose a time to meet face-to-face. 


Reduced fees for start-ups

Are you at the beginning phase a need to keep capital, looking for a defensive long-term strategy, or perhaps, trying to capitalize IP assets for acquisiton. We'll listen and discuss options and what to expect along the way.

50% less than local ip houses

Local patent attorneys can cost $300-$450 per hour.  Why pay for overhead which doesn't help you get a patent.  Pay for what really matters - expertise, availability, and a shared entrepeneural attitude.


Amazing ideas shouldn't be shared on conference calls. We come directly to your office and meet with the team of inventors to review the process and facilitate interview. This collaboration allows ideas to be heard and ensures better results.

professional patent Services

Prior Art

USPTO Patent Search

  • Prior Art are all the inventions and ideas that existed before you filed an application.  

  • The United States  (like much of the rest of the world) now grants the inventor that is First-to-File at a patent office the patentable rights.

  • While no search will uncover all prior art ever known to man, a balanced approach of searching U.S. patents by an experience practioner can typically provide reasonable certainty to move forward and help in preparing an application.

  • We recommend a USPTO Application Search which can be expanded upon request to include European, Canadian, and Australian Patent Offices.

Design and
Utility Patents

 Experienced USPTO Agent

 Fast Patent Pending Status

 Micro Entity Discount

  • Complete preperation and filing of Provisional and Non-Provisional Utility Patents.

  • Client review of overall IP Strategy and options including: international filings, continuations, and divisional applications.

  • Includes Certification of Micro-entity Status (where applicable) to reduce USPTO Fees and our hourly rate.

  • High quality patent illustrations converted directly from your 3D CAD files (.stl, .iges) to USPTO conforming black and white illustrations.

Office Action

 Response to Examination

 Business Oriented Claims

 Examiner Interviews

  • During the examination of a patent application, it is common to receive objections and rejections from the examiner.

  • The negotiation with the examiner is a highly formal and time-bound process.  Failure to respond appropriately may increase costs and possibly final rejection.

  • Collaboration with the examiner during a formal interview during prosecution can provide insight towards patent allowable claims.

  • USPTO Deposit Account financial backing available upon request with Power of Attorney.

how to create value around your idea

While your idea may truely change the world, it's initial commercial value is almost zero.  To create something of economic value, your mission is to reduce risk around the idea and foster it along.  Just patenting your idea is not enough, but it is an important step in the process and may be the only protection against competitors along the way.

Build Momentum

Start with the understanding that this will take work.  If you can identify the problem and explain the solution at a high level then you're on the right track.  Create a plan and fill in the gaps where you need help.

Reduce Risk

Every time you tackle an issue, your idea gains value.  Do you have a prototype and have you started an IP strategy, is it manufacturable and scalable, and have you sold one?

Protect Your Hard Work

Map out the path to money,  have a clear vision on where you would like to end up., and establish barriers to entry to prevent others from simply walking away with the idea.  Intellectual properties help.

Michael Lindsey

BS Electrical Engineer, M.B.A, and Registered US Patent Agent

17 Years of R&D


Developing technology in the field of Satellite Communications and Diesel Engine Systems.
Foundations in Electrical and Mechanical Systems.

In House Counsel


Admitted to USPTO Patent Bar.
In-house counsel for a national distributor with an international patent portfolio and assessed IP landscape, due dillagence, licensing agreements, and settlements.



Recognizing a growing social issue and seizing the opporutnity, ThermalStrike heating systems raised capital, filed patents, and brought products to market leading to an acqusition in 2011

Private Practice

2018 - Present

With a real world expereince of how to leverage intellectual property to create the value, Fort Collins Patent Services was created to help start-ups and small businesses create their own success story.

Schedule an onsite meeting

Recommended By

Patent Resources and business articles

We Helping Entrepreneurs and Local Businesses

Over the years we've developed products, manufactured in the U.S. and China, employed freelancers around the world, sold on Amazon, setup distriubtion, sourced product, and developed award-winning business plans.

Enjoy the articles below and let us know if you have any questions!

D-I-Y and $99 kits

Patent pending in 24 hours - just understand the pitfalls

Inventors and Start-up

We're entreprenural-inventors and now challenges.

Corporate and Small Business

We Provide A Local Alternative to In-House Counsel

Patent Agent vs Attorney

Choosing the approriate representation at the right time.  Its a level playing field when arguing applications.

Provisional vs Non-Provisional

"It Depends..."

Although some attorneys have strong opinions one way or another, it really is situation depeandant.

Advanced IP Strategies

Patents can be utilized both as defensive and offensive methods and have become the new currency of business.

Contact Us

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